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UNIQLO store Paris by Wonderwall inc

Location: Paris
Source: wonderwall inc
Made by: Wonderwall
Published in: March 05 2015 / Fashion Stores
UNIQLO opened its second Paris store in the city’s Marais district. The site is a former foundry, and the store inherited its history with a factory-like ambience. The store achieves a unique presence by incorporating UNIQLO’s products and the brand’s ever-evolving succulence into the building’s history.

While the store is full of details unique to its own, including the denim section found in a room with beautiful iron frames, and the original fireplace that accents the retail space with a classical flair, the flavor of the design is still undoubtedly UNIQLO. The resulting space exhibits the brand’s progressing originality and
Wonderwall inc, UNIQLO, UNIQLO store, paris retail design,

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